How Food on Foot serves our community
Food Distribution
Helping eradicate childhood hunger remains front and center in our mission! Food on Foot delivers approximately 5,000 food bags every month to Lakeway area elementary schools for distribution. These food bags are given to needy children that would otherwise go hungry on the weekend. This “Child hunger stops here” program is very important to the underprivileged children in our communities.
In addition to this method of distribution, Food on Foot is open almost every Saturday. On Saturdays, Food on Food distributes food bags, fresh bread, and fresh fruit to the homeless, and people in need in the community.
Toiletry Distribution
We distribute toiletry items to children and adults in need throughout the year. Check our Events Page to learn more.
Religious Holiday Fellowship
For children who aren’t sure where their next meal will come from, holiday joy is in short supply. Our volunteers host special events for the religious holidays of Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas to bring a little something special to underprivileged children, who may not otherwise have the opportunity to celebrate.
Backpack Program
The cycle of hunger ends with a good education. We help provide the tools that elementary-aged children need to succeed in the classroom, so they can build a strong educational foundation. Learn more about how you can help.
Do you or your family need our help? Contact us today.