It all started with a simple question.
In April 2007, Carolyn Jarnagin asked a little boy whether he was excited to start his summer vacation from school.
“No, ma’am,” he replied, “I get to eat at school.”
At that moment, Food on Foot was born.
Our mission.
Food on Foot provides food, toiletries, and backpacks filled with school supplies to underprivileged children and families in the Tennessee Lakeway Area.
Childhood hunger stops here.
We provide 5,000 monthly food bags to many local elementary schools with needy children.
Through God’s grace and the generosity of people, churches, businesses, and organizations in our community, Food on Foot has been able to go even further, to fill critical needs of schoolchildren who might not otherwise have access to the tools they need to succeed in school.
Before each school year begins:
Hundreds of new backpacks filled with school supplies are provided to needy children in our community.
School supplies are replenished during the year, as funds allow.
We do more.
Food on Foot provides toiletry bags to children and adults.
We help underprivileged families enjoy Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas with special events. Visit our Events Page to learn more.
Food on Foot Ministry enhances the lives of underprivileged children in the Lakeway Area.
100% of all donations are used to meet the needs of the underprivileged in our community.
Tennessee Food on Foot Foundation, Inc., receives no government support of any kind. Funding comes from tax-deductible donations from the general public, churches, businesses, and organizations in the area. Food on Foot does not pay any administrative salaries. Everyone associated with Food on Foot volunteers his or her time.

Volunteer Opportunities
About the Food on Foot Founder and President
Carolyn Jarnagin was raised in East Tennessee and has spent most of her life here. She and her husband, Robert Jarnagin, have three children and four grandchildren. While her children were small, Carolyn spent most of her time raising them, with a short stint working outside the home as a purchasing agent for a Christian book store. Carolyn Jarnagin’s goal in life is to make a difference in the lives of the hungry, homeless, and underprivileged.